Update::: 11/3-11/4/18 - Springfield, MO June is awarded BOB & BOBOH on day 1 and Select Bitch on day 2. She only needs 7 more points to complete her Bronze!
11/16-11/19/ 2017 - Chickasha, OK - June wins select 3 out of 4 days and is now halfway to her Bronze Grand Champion title!
10/14-10/15/17 - Enid, OK - June wins Best of Opposite Sex both days and Best of Breed Owner handled on Sunday, she adds a couple points towards her Grand Champion Bronze title!
9/15/17 Purina Farms, Grey Summit, MO - June wins a 5 point major getting Select and Best of Breed Owner Handled and is our newest Grand Champion! She finished off the day by getting an Owner handled group 4 in a very large Hound group!
9/8/17-8/9/17- Elk City, OK - June wins Select Bitch and is soo close to her GCH Title!
8/27/17 - Topeka, KS - June wins Select Bitch for another Grand Champion point
8/18/17- 8/20/17 - Topeka, KS - June wins Select Bitch Both all 3 days for some more Grand champion points!
8/13/17 - Little Rock, AR - June wins Select Bitch and adds 2 points towards her AKC Grand Champion title!
4/13/-4/16/17 - Grove, OK - June wins BOS on the first 3 days & select ( losing BOS to Shelby) for a few more points towards her GCH!
4/2/17 - Claremore, OK - June again wins BOS for another 4 point major towards her Grand Champion title!
4/1/17 - Claremore, OK - June wins BOS for a 4 point major! We have a new Champion!!!
3/30/17 - Claremore, OK - June wins BOW & BOS for 2 points!
3/11-3/12-2017 - Kansas City, MO - June wins Best of Breed!!! On day 2 she won Best of Opposite! June added 2 more points to her total and needs 6 more towards her AKC CH!
10/15/16 - Enid, OK - June won Winner's bitch for a point, 8 more to go!
9/16/16 - Purina Farms, Grey Summit, MO - June wins Reserve, no points but we are thrilled for the recognition at a Dachshund Specialty show.
8/20-21 2016 - Topeka, KS June wins Winner's Bitch & Best of Opposite Sex for a 3 point major! 1 major down one to go! She is at 6 points towards her CH!!
8/13/16 - Little Rock, AR - June Got Reserve Winner's bitch both Saturday and Sunday!
8/6/16 - Marion, IL - June brought home Best of Winner's for a point on Saturday and Reserve Winner's Bitch on Sunday!
4/24/16 - Fayetteville, AR - June brought home Best of Winner's & Best of Opposite Sex for her second point!
4/15/16 - Grove, OK - June got Winner's Bitch and picked up her first point!!
4/2/16 - Claremore, OK - June once again gets Reserve Winner's bitch. She is so close to getting her first points!
3/25/16 Our sweet girl June headed to Fort Worth for the Dachshund specialty in which she won Reserve Winner's Bitch! This was a 5 point major and although she doesn't get any points as reserve, this is a huge win for a 6 month old puppy!! June is such a looker and has such nice movement, we know she is going to have an amazing show career!
10/12/19-10/13/19 - Johnny was happy to be back in the ring and walked away w/ 2 BOB wins both for 5 point majors to complete his Grand Champion Title!! Nice job little man!
11/4/18- Springfield, MO Johnny is awarded WD, BOW, BOBOH & BOB for his final 2 points and is a new Champion at just 9 months old!!!!
11/3/18 - Springfield, MO Johnny was awarded Winner's Dog for 1 point.
10/21/18 - Shawnee, OK - Johnny is awarded Winners Dog & Best of Winners for a 4 point major!!! He is showing so well, 3 majors in a row!!!
10/20/18 - Shawnee, OK - Johnny is awarded Winners Dog for a 4 point major!!!
10/14/18 Enid, OK - Johnny is awarded Winners dog & Best of Winners for his first major! ( 3 points)
8/24/18 - Topeka, KS - Johnny is awarded WD for his first point towards his championship. He also entered a "b" match at this show and won Best of Breed as well as a Hound Group 2!
Update!! - 10/13/18-10/14/18 - Enid, OK After a long break from showing shelby was back in the ring in Enid and was awarded Winner's bitch both days to add a couple more points towards her Championship
10/15/17 - Enid, OK- Shelby wins Winners Bitch for 1 more point towards her Championship!
9/16/17 Purina Farms, Grey Summit, MO - Shelby is awarded Winners Bitch for a 5 point major!!! She also won best of breed in puppy sweeps at this show, no points are awarded for that but it's still worth mentioning :-)
4/16/17 - Grove, OK - Shelby wins Best of Opposite Sex and picks up her first 2 points! She did amazing on the table and on the lead, Couldn't be more proud of this girl!
4/13-4/15/17 - Grove, OK - Shelby got reserve the first 3 days, so close to that first point!
3/30-4/2/17 - Claremore, OK - Shelby is still working on getting past those puppy jitters, but she is getting better everyday. In 5 days of showing she won her class of 3 twice, and got second once. Not bad! We are so excited about this girls show career!
2/4-2/5/2017 - St Joseph, MO - Shelby went to her first show! On day one she won her class of 3. A great first showing!! On day 2 she got a bad case of the puppy jitters and decided the judge was a big scary monster. We will work on that and get back in the ring soon. I expect great things from this gorgeous girl!!
GCH Dynamite's Cash is King
Cash is a Grand Champion!!
::::Update:::: 3/11/17 - 3/12/17 Kansas City, MO, day one Cash wins Best of Opposite and Best of breed/variety Owner handled and picks up his last point, He is now an AKC Grand Champion!! On our second day Cash wins Best of Breed!!! Way to show baby boy!!
2/4-2/5/17 - St Joseph, MO Cash goes select dog on day 1 for 1 point and Best of Breed/Variety on Sunday for a 5 point major!! 1 more point to go for his GCH title!!
10/16/16 Enid, OK - Cash won Select Dog for 2 more points, 7 more to go!
9/17/16 - Purina Farms, Grey Summit, MO - Cash won Best of Breed/Best of Variety!! Our first Bob/bov win! There were 40+ other longhair dachshunds there that day so this is a HUGE win for us. It was a 5 point major, 9 more points to Gch!!
8/20-8/21/16 - Topeka, KS - Cash picked up Select dog both days for 4 point majors both days! This should put him at 11 points towards his Gch!
8/6/16 - Marion, IL - Cash went Select Dog both days of this show adding a few more points to his Grand Championship!!
4/23/16 Fayetteville, AR - Cash picked up his last point and is officially an AKC Champion! He got Best of Winner's for 1 point, but that was all he needed!!
4/1/16-4/3/16 We attend 3 days in Claremore, OK. On day one Cash got Winner's dog to pickup another point! He now just needs 1 more for his Championship.
2/27-2/28/16 We attended 2 days of showing in Camden, AR in which Cash came home with Best of Opposite/Winner's Dog both days adding 2 more points to his total.
11/5 - 11/8/15 Cash and I attended an AKC show in Springfield, MO, this was a 4 day show and Cash took Best of Winners all 4 days!! 3 of those were majors. He only lacks 4 points to be a Champion!! We are beyond ecstatic and can't wait to get back in the ring and try to get those last points. The judge even pulled us aside on the last day and complimented him saying " he really is a nice boy!"
Cash and I went to our first AKC sanctioned dog show in Little Rock, AR on August 7th & 8th, and there the addiction began! We are both new to showing and are really enjoying learning and meeting new people. On this page you will find photo's from the shows we have attended and info on upcoming shows we will be attending as that information becomes available.
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